About Me:

My life is full and beautiful so why would I run for public office? I LOVE PROVIDENCE.  I have felt and seen incredible progress and success since I took office in 2020. I feel like I am making a positive difference, and I am willing to serve for one more term to continue the momentum. There is a very steep learning curve. I believe that low turnover in the city council, when things are going well, is in the best interest of the citizens, the city staff, and the council.

I have lived in Providence for 18 years, almost my entire adult life. I want to make a positive difference in a community I love, and in the community where I’d be happy to see my grandchildren grow up. I’ve always been actively engaged in lending my skill set and talent when I see a need. The citizens of Providence deserve to have city council members who listen to them, who will treat them with kindness and respect, and who will always have the long-term best interest of all citizens in mind. I promise to study out the issues and make decisions that I believe are best for the majority of Providence residents. 

Who am I? I am the mother of five children and a loyal wife to Josh Kirk. I learned the value of hard work growing up on a dairy farm in Preston, Idaho. Currently, in addition to working part time on the city council, I work part-time, mostly online for a nonprofit organization, Family Humanitarian, where I plan the logistics for humanitarian expeditions, fundraise for clean water, and develop public relations material. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from USU in Elementary Education and a Master’s of Science from USU in Instructional Technology.  I love to travel. I am a committed humanitarian. I am a meticulous planner. And I do my best to live every day with intention.

I have chosen “Listen, Love, Lead” as my tag line because that is the person I continuously strive to be.